Sunday, September 21, 2014

Mt. Carrigain (#44) August 16, 2014

Trails: Signal Ridge

Total Distance: 10.0 miles     Vertical gain: 3,250'

Our friend, Chris Roark, joined us today. So glad when we have friends accompany us to these peaks.

A group selfie from the trailhead.

The first 1.5 miles are mellow woods walking.

Reaching the junction with the Carrigain Notch trail. We stay on the Signal Ridge trail.

Always appreciate the trail maintenance that happens all throughout the White Mtns. Behind us was a new-ish bog bridge section.

Can you see Mr. Toad? Mother Nature's camouflage at work.

As we climb, we start to get limited views east.

Whaddya think of the hike so far? I like it!

Us, too!

A little color amongst the forest.

Higher up. Almost on the ridge.

And we have a little friend joining us. I believe it's a Canadian Jay.

More views east.

We finally gain the ridge - "Signal Ridge" - with big views of the summit and surrounding us.

After the views from the ridge, we're back in the woods for the climb up to the tower.

And we are here!

Thomas looking at the U.S. Geological Survey disc on the summit. #44 in the books!

Now let's go up and see what's really going on up there! Wow! Where do we start?

Everywhere! Towards Washington.

And all around!

Official summit pics together.

Looking back down to Signal Ridge, our way up and down.

As you can see by our jackets, an extra layer was needed at the top. It was cool and breezy. When we first got there, a few people were around. The top cleared out after a few minutes, and we had an hour of solitude up there. We actually stayed up top for 1.5 hours, which we never do. The 360* views were unbelieveable! Every 10 minutes or so we'd take another round of pics. Here's a few more.

Time to head down. On the way down, we stopped at a spring, with reliable drinking water.

And down we go.

Still smiling!

Chris crossing a stream we didn't photograph on the way up.

And a final pic at the trailhead.

Thumbs up to a great hike!

Total hike time was 7 hrs., including 1 1/2 hrs. up top just chilling. Thank the day and the views to make us do that.
Also, thanks to Chris for once again hiking w/ us.
People said this was one peak you want to do on a clear day.
Boy, were they right!
Thomas and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
44 down, and only 4 left!   Woo-Hoo!!!

'Til next time...........

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