Thursday, August 14, 2014

Owls Head Mtn (#43) July 13, 2014

Trails: Lincoln Woods, Black Pond, Black Pond bushwhack, Lincoln Brook, Owls Head Slide, Franconia Brook

Total Distance: 17.5 miles     Vertical Gain:  2,900'

Alright! So this is something that I've been pushing for. Hoping Thomas would write a trip report. So let me introduce you to our author---

Thomas LeBlanc:

Hey, everybody. We're back again. Switching things up a bit, though. This is Thomas. I'll be telling the adventurous story this time.
So we got a little later start time than we'd hoped (sensing a theme here), trying to have as much light as possible for the hike. Here we are in the parking lot at Lincoln Woods Visitor Center, about to hit the trail. All smiles in the sunshine!

And we're off! Ted and I walking across the bridge to hit the Lincoln Woods Trail.

Beautiful scenery walking across that morning. Looking up the Pemigewassett River.

Trail sign! Pops says we gotta take a pic. And it looks like we have a nice, flat 2 1/2 mile warmup.

Looks like somebody snuck a pic while following me and Ted, as we enjoy the morning and think of our long day ahead of us.

Here we are at the Black Pond Trail. We heard there's a bushwhack trail just past the pond, so we figured we ought to try it out.

Unfortunately, the plan didn't work out so well and we got a little lost. But no harm done! It was quite the workout in tight, hot, humid woods; trekking through bushes trying to manage our way out in a general direction. Sadly, no pics of the bushwhack, but maybe another time!

We pop out of the woods to one of the streams, finally! We can all take a break and dunk our heads to cool off.

We start meandering our way upstream to try and find the trail. Turns out we were just a little ways down from where the bushwhack met the water. Still walking upstream, we reconnect with the main trail. We were all relieved.
Now that we got back on the trail, we had to make up some time. But in what felt like no time, we were at the bottom of the slide.We met up w/ a few New Yorkers, who were also heading up to complete Owls Head Mtn. So we all took a break and chatted a little.

My dad and I at the cairn marking the base of the slide.

Figured we better start moving since the weather showed a storm on the way. Here's what we had to climb up a mile or so to get to the top.

Hey, finally some views!

Franconia Ridge from far below it.

Ted, making his way up the steep climb.

We finally crest the ridge, and everyone's happy again. Ted pushing his way up the summit ridge.

We hit the site of the former summit, where I stand in the middle of the open area. This spot was previously thought to have been the high point. But a spot a few feet higher was found a few tenths of a mile across the ridge.

We quickly drop our packs and walk over the flat top to the official summit. There she is, boys! We conquered the beastly challenge they call Owls Head!

#43 in the books. We made it!

Time to go back to the packs and grab some lunch. I was starving!

Break's over. A storm was definitely starting to roll in, so we had to move. As we head back down the slide, once again we get the only views of the day.

Going down, getting some pics of all of us vs. the steep slide. There were definitely some slippery spots.

We made it down just in time because that thunderstorm came in fast!
We get on the flats and put on the rainjackets.

From there on out it was a wet trudge through the forest and rain.

We had brought water shoes and sandals for the deeper stream crossings on the way back (which were avoided on the way up with the bushwhack), to keep our hiking boots dry. But we were already soaked by the time we got to the stream crossings, so it didn't matter anymore. We all decided to just go for it, and besides, the shoes could use a good rinsing off.

Trail junction; time for another pic!

My dad and Ted in a selfie.

We keep making our way out, enjoying a little break in the weather. And we always have time for a quick father-son photo.

Everyone is set on cruise mode as we hit the Lincoln Woods trail. We come to this nice bridge crossing a pretty wide stream. Here's Ted, then me taking a seat, ready for a nap.

At the end of the bridge behind me was a cool rock wall, which I can't really tell what it used to be. But we're moving again and aching to get to the car.
(Dad says "The Lincoln Woods trail used to be a railroad bed for hauling wood out of the Pemigewassett Wilderness area. That rock wall was part of the footing for a trestle crossing the river.")

The home stretch was a long and painful trudge. Walking so long in soaking boots made for large blisters on our feet, and sore legs, but we made it back with the rain still coming down. Finally we see the bridge. Food and drinks await on the other side.

Here's my dad with a 'toothless' selfie in the rain.

Walking out into the parking lot was probably the best feeling I had all day, other than the summit.

We packed up quick, wanting to get some dinner. Sounds good to me!
Now with Owls Head out of the way, we can't stop smiling!

This hike was definitely an adventure and one to remember. Thanks for reading.


Back to the old guy, ahhh, me.
Nice going, Thomas, on writing this report. I appreciate the different perspective you shared.
This hike was one we may have underestimated, even with the big mileage. This hike did not have a lot of vertical gain, but most of it came in the last 2 miles to the summit, or so it felt.
And we had talked about how lucky we have been on this quest, not encountering any hard rains on any of our previous hikes of the 48s.    JINX!!!!!!!!!!
Our hiking boots were so wet coming out the last 8 miles. That's a lot of slipping and sliding on the feet. Thomas and I both had large blisters on the balls of our feet. And Ted did a job on his ankles during the bushwhack. 
I think Ted may have summed it up best:  "I just hiked Owls Head twice. My first and last time!"

Total hike time was right around 11 hrs. 
And the list is down to.........  5 left !!!!!

'Til next time.............

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Actually, Thomas wrote this one, so last tracks, honoring him on a snowboard, should be:





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