Wednesday, September 5, 2012

North Tripyramid (#26) & Middle Tripyramid (#27) August 25, 2012

 Trails:  Pine Bend Brook, Mt. Tripyramid, and Sabbaday Brook trails.

Total Distance: 10.0 miles                       Vertical Gain:  3100'

Wow! It's been almost 9 months since our last 4K hike. Time enough to have a baby! Our friend, Ted, was on board for this hike. He was meeting us in the am, so why not make it a loop hike, even though the trail-heads were only 1 mile apart. Thomas and Ted doing final pack checks.

7:45 am. The start of our day-

The hike starts out fairly mellow, and once again, someone has done some great trail work.

The first 2.5 miles looked a lot like this.

We approach a long cirque that looks like a wall. We struggle up a mash of  boulder fields and slide paths to gain the ridge. This person is from a different group. Hopefully, the steepness shows in the pic.

We gained roughly 1200' vertical in less than a mile. A hot day, sweating, we finally gain the ridgeline, and the junction with the Scaur Ridge trail.

Time for a small break. And yes, we're happy about that!

As we cross a flat section, limited views start peeking out through the haze and trees.

This was a cool rock formation, like the bow of a ship or something?

Another excuse for a break. "Let's check this thing out."

More limited views.

This junction is just below the North Tripyramid summit.

There were no cairns or markers on top. Thomas on the highest point we could find.

#26 in the books.

Made the top just before 11 am, but worked up an appetite. The gang taking an official snack break.

We'd done most of our "up" for the day. Now we head down to the col between North and Middle peaks, where we pass the Sabbaday Brook trail. This will be our descent route later.

And up we go towards the next peak. Everyone taken their happy pills?

Almost there. Looking back at North Tripyramid.

Made it to Middle Tripyramid just before noon. Woo-hoo to #27.

And lunch #2. Can you say 'Top Gun".

"Hey Ted. Wanna bite?"             "Huh? Nah."

From our lunch spot just below the summit, another hiker sees our sandwiches. "Hand'em over!"

Even with the haze, some views present themselves.

Mt. Carrigain.

Mt. Tecumseh, with Waterville Valley Ski Area on its northern face.

And what I love about the White Mtns. So many vistas of just depths of mountains. Makes you feel like you could be miles from anything, anywhere, or anyone.

OK. Back to reality. Time to leave this highland paradise. Back we go to the col and the junction with the Sabbaday Brook trail, our way home.

On the way down, a wooden serpent slithers across the trail. Thought this was very cool.

The first mile or so down is very steep. We descended the other side of the ridge we worked so hard to get up. A pause on a small slide.

And continuing down.

 Once we bottom out off the ridge, the last 4 miles or so follow Sabbaday Brook. Plenty of crossings, and plenty of washouts.

Just shy of the end, we arrive at Sabbaday Falls. The Forest Service has turned this area into a small nature loop off the main trail, with information stations, stairways, and rest spots. The main waterfall.

Looking down the gorge.

The bottom of the gorge.

It's a short walk out. Arrive at the lot just after 3 pm, for a total hike time of 7:15.

We probably had close to 2 hours of non-hiking time, but we definitely were not concerned with time today. Especially because it had been so long since our last hike. Stop and smell the roses, you know- or just enjoy the view from above.

Thanks, Ted, for making it out with us. You always add to the fun out there!

SOOOO--- Another 2 down. We're back on track!!

'Til next time..........

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