Monday, November 28, 2011

Mt. Willey (#25) November 19, 2011

Trails:   Ethan Pond, Willey Range

Total distance:   5.4 miles          Vertical gain:   2850'

        As the days grow shorter, it's tougher to get out and do a big mileage hike. There are a few hikes like Mt. Willey that are not huge days by themselves, but are difficult to put together with another peak. And why waste a beautiful November weekend just because there are only 10 hrs. of daylight. So away we go........

It's 7am. Do you know where your kid is? Geared up and ready to hike; that's where!

It didn't take long to warm up. Our objective, through the trees.

This hike overall has quite a steep grade, although there are a few flats in the first mile or so. But once we started climbing, it became a stair-master. Literally.

Up and up we go. Through a 200' vertical steep rocky section, the trail turned into a ladder-master. Literally.

Section after section with turns and angles. Thomas loved it. Reminded him of the Precipice Trail in Acadia NP, which we hiked this past Labor Day weekend.

Above the ladders, starting to get views as we chew up the vertical.

Soaking up the sun on a great November day!

Negotiating some snowy rock up high.

Just before the summit, a short 40' side trail leads to great views East. The Presidential Range.

Looking across Crawford Notch to Crawford Cliffs. Mt. Washington in the upper left.

Maybe 100' past the East outlook is the summit cairn on Mt. Willey. Our summit pics.

Just past the summit, on the trail, are some tremendous views West.
Mt. Bond, rocky Bondcliff just to the left, and Franconia Ridge in the background right.

The hulking massif of Mt. Carrigain, with the Pemigewassett Wilderness area all around.

It was a little cooler and windier on the west side, so we decided to head back to the east outlook and take a snack break in the sun. Thomas getting the habanero cheese ready as he looks down Crawford Notch.

Table for 2 - window seating. The best seats in the house.

As we were snacking, 3 ladies came hiking up the trail. We talked with them for 10-15 minutes. They were also hiking the 48s. Nice folks.
Our food break done, we pack up and head down. Some sections look even steeper going down.

Like the ladder sections.

Whoa! Glad we're down that. Continuing down, some trail junctions we didn't catch on the way up.

An ice sword (eye-sored?) on a stick. :-)

Thomas, still full of energy, trying a couple of jump maneuvers.

As we arrive at the tracks just above the parking lot, we decide to walk across the trestle to the old foundation of the Willey House.

Love this shot. Our mountain conquered.

Thomas, hanging out under the trestle.

And we're back at the lot. Total time of roughly 5 hours with all the playing around down low and relaxing up high. But the views don't end with the hike. We still have to drive through Crawford Notch. Here are just a few of the sights in the notch. Enjoy!!

Couldn't have asked for a better day in the White Mountains for the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Today's hike was supposed to be the result of a lesson learned 2 years ago. Our very first hike was Mts. Tom and Field. Willey is just down the ridge a mile or so from Field. For some reason, we didn't have or couldn't take the time that day to head to Willey. So today was the make-up test. But a funny thing happened along the way. Thomas said he was glad we ended up not hiking Willey that first day. If we had, we wouldn't have climbed those cool ladder sections. And I agree.

It's nice to know that these challenges are not just a means to an end. We can appreciate and enjoy them while we're out sweating away (me anyway) on these hikes. And that IS kind of a good thing.

'Til next time....................





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