Sunday, July 18, 2010

South Hancock (#5) and Hancock (#6) July 18, 2010

Trails: Hancock Notch, Cedar Brook, and Hancock Loop Trails

Total Distance: 9.8 miles Vertical Gain: 2700'

And so it begins again. It's been 8 1/2 months since Thomas and I have done a 4K hike. Sweet anticipation on the drive over. As always, the views from both sides of the Kancamangus highway were striking. It was supposed to be a warm day in the valleys, but was barely 70 degrees when we started hiking at 7:45 am. Here's Thomas at the trailhead.

As soon as we got into the woods, it cooled down to the mid 60s and stayed there most of the day. This was our first of many stream crossings on the day just 15 minutes in.

The first 3.6 miles of this hike are relatively flat, only gaining 1300' or so of elevation in that distance, but crossing various brooks and streams at least 6 or 7 times, it seemed. Overall, a very wet hike. Glad we went during a dry spell!
In case you haven't noticed, I tend to take pics of trail junctions, mainly to prove we were there, but also because we have not seen any of these signs before, and think they're cool.

Before we knew it, we were at the fork of the Hancock Loop trail. But which way to go?

We decided to head up the South Peak trail, after studying the map and figuring that it was a little steeper looking, although not by much, on the map. More on that later. So up we go on the stairmaster that is the Hancock Loop trail. Towards the top, we start to get some views through openings on the trail.

Thankfully, the temps stayed cool, and a nice breeze kept the bugs away higher up. This was a classic short, fast and furious scramble to the top. Didn't really round off much until we were at the top. Here's Thomas at the top of South Hancock. #5!

We made the South Peak summit at 10:15 am in 2 1/2 hrs. It was a little early for lunch, so we just took a 15 minute break for water and a snack, and went to check the outlook behind and below Thomas in the picture. We left our packs on top, so no pic there.

The views from the top of South Hancock are mainly to the S and SE, so we didn't get our first glimpse of (North) Hancock until we started down towards the ridge that connects the two. Must have been one heck of a slide on the side of it!

The trail to North Peak has everything from steep little ups and downs, some beautiful woods, puddles and slabs, and a couple of bog crossings. Here's one bog crossing on video.

After making it across the ridge and up again, we were on top of Hancock proper. We couldn't find a summit cairn, but some people came through and told us the sign is the top. I hope it is, or that the summit is somewhere on the trail, so we've got our bases covered. Thomas on top of #6 for us.

We were at the top at 11:30 am, and figured it was time for lunch, so we headed to the North Peak outlook. WOW !! The view was spectacular! This is looking over at the Osceolas and Scar Ridge. We'll be climbing those peaks one day.

Looking back at South Hancock, with Passaconaway, Whiteface, and the Tripyramids in the distance.

Two different groups just HAD to take our picture as we ate our lunch. Two peas in a pod, or the apple not falling far from the tree? Either way, life is good.

Finally it was time to head down the North Peak trail. The less steep trail. The easier of the two trails. HA! Remember when we were debating which trail to go up. Heading down the North peak trail was like sliding down a steep, rocky ski slope. The whole trail was a loose rock scree field with drops and logs here and there to catch the rocks. It felt like a narrower version of the slide on the side of the mountain. Did I mention it was steep. OK, enough crying. We made it down fine, but were too occupied to snap any pics on the way down. Once we hit the fork in the Hancock Loop trail, we knew we were good. Just 3.6 lazy miles to trip you up on the way out, with all those stream crossings to boot. Here is a semi-dry stretch.

I must say, flat or not, 9.8 miles had us ready for our sandals and a Diet Coke. Thomas, looking a little weary, but still smiling.

Another great day and great hike. Was too long since our last one. Hopefully we can get out once a month towards the goal of the 48s. We have done some family hiking in between, but life ebbs and flows. We may have gotten back into the flow. :-)

Back at the parking lot at 2:15 pm, for a 6 1/2 hour total hike time, with about an hour of breaks total along the way. Pretty close to book time, and I think we are average hikers speed-wise. Not too fast, not too slow. Until next report.........