Sunday, September 21, 2014

Mt Cabot (#45) August 23, 2014

Trails: Unknown Pond, Kilkenny Ridge, The Horn Spur

Total Distance: 11.6 miles          Vertcal Gain:  3,400'

Just the two of us on this trip. Originally we were going to tackle Cabot from the east doing a loop hike.
A gate closure would add 2 miles each way, or we could wait for it to open. But then we'd be on a time restriction. We opted to go back and around, and come in from the north.
And off we go at our trailhead. On the trail for 7:30ish.


We pass by a beautiful brook and waterfall section just a little ways in on the hike.

The trail winds through a couple of birch glades. This large piece of bark just off the trail looks big enough to write a book on it.

Some tiny mushrooms on the trail.

And some berries that are very blue, but not blueberries.

It was humid on our hike this morning. Thomas, taking a break from his pack. He knows where it goes!

Just before getting to Unknown Pond, we junction with the Kilkenny Ridge trail, which will take us over Mt. Cabot.

Took a quick detour to catch a view of the pond. There are campsites on the other side. We'll check those out on the way down.

From the pond, we continue to climb through the woods.

And here's the Horn Spur trail. It's 10am.

Too early for lunch, and the clouds are still hanging low on the mountains. Had heard the views from the Horn are the best of the hike, so we'll save them for later. Thomas votes we keep going.

This cairn on the side of the trail signals "The Bulge", a high point on the north side of Cabot.

Finally we arrive on top of Cabot around 10:45 am. Not sure where the summit is.

 We go 40' on a small side path to the true summit, we think.?

Cabot has a cabin on it. It's roughly .4 miles south of the summit. Also, we'd heard of a clearing by it that used to have a firetower on it. Up for the extra adventure, we continue south on Kilkenny Ridge trail.
By the time we reach the clearing, the fog and mist have lifted. Some views west and east.

 The scene from the cabin porch.

Inside the cabin.

The sign on the cabin.

 Thomas taking a pic of me taking a pic of the cabin sign.

After seeing the sites, we head back up to Cabot's summit.
We meet a nice lady named Kathy, and her dog, Bailey.

We ask her to take a picture of us on the point.
Of course, Bailey wants in!      #45 for us!!

Here's the path leading from the trail to the true summit.

Time to head back down over the Bulge to the Horn.
Hit the spur trail at 12:30. Perfect, just in time for lunch.

And the views did not disappoint.
The Bulge, on the right, with Cabot center. The cabin is on the left shoulder.

Looking south to the northern Presidentials.

And east to the Mahoosuc Range.

Time for lunch with a view. Cheese, anyone?

The views are truly all around us.

With lunch break over, Unknown Pond is calling us.
We want to check out the campsites, maybe for future reference.

A shot from the other side of the pond.

From here, it's back onto Unknown Pond trail for the way out.
On the way down, we see the first signs of Fall.

And a post for the town line of Kilkenny.

Close to the bottom, the brook sounds inviting.
No, I'm not drowning. Just dunking the head to cool off.

And just like that, we are out. Back at the road for 3:30ish.

As always, we change into sandals and chill on this beautiful afternoon.
45 of 48 done! Total hike time today was roughly 8 hours.
But it's not about racing up and down. It's taking time to smell the pines.

I have to thank Thomas for a lot.
Mostly for still being into this quest and still enjoying the journey.
I've gotten to see my son grow up walking beside me. Well, usually in front of me.
But that's something that can never be undervalued. I am truly a lucky man.

Only 3 left !!!          Woo-Hoo !!!

'Til next time.............

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